Click on the letter below to reach obituaries. Use the search box in the upper right sidebar to search the obituaries. If you are searching for a name other than the deceased, once you reach the desired page where many obituaries are listed, use the key command ctrl + f  and enter desired search term to find those items easily on the page.  Please see the bottom of this page for key to newspapers and instructions for ordering the newspapers on microfilm from your local library through inter-library loan if you wish to see the original obituary.

BT Billings Times (Billings, Christian County, MO - 1898 - 1920)

CCH-N   Christian County Headliner-News (Ozark, Christian County, MO - 1994 - present)

CCN-J Christian County News-Journal (Ozark, Christian County, MO  2002

CCR  Christian County Republican (Ozark, Christian County, MO 1898 - 1972)

NE Nixa Enterprise (Nixa, Christian County, MO - 1962 - 1989)

NN-E Nixa News-Enterprise (Nixa, Christian County, MO - 1998 - 1994)

OH  Ozark Headliner (Ozark, Christian County, MO - 1968 - 1994)

OVV Ozark Voice and View (Ozark, Christian County, MO 1992 - 1993)

SL Springfield Leader (Springfield, Greene County, MO 1870 - 1933)

SL-P  Springfield Leader-Press (Springfield, Greene County, MO 1933 - 1987)

SN-J  Sparta News-Journal  (Sparta, Christian County, MO 1997 - 1999)

SR Springfield Republican (Springfield, Greene County, MO)

 SN-L  Springfield News-Leader (Springfield, Greene County, MO)

You can order Missouri newspapers on microfilm from the State Historical Society of Missouri. You can find available newspapers from this starting point: and then by clicking on the county of interest to find all the titles and dates that have been microfilmed.  Use this information to request the microfilm through your local library.  Microfilm may also be viewed at the Christian County Library and the Springfield-Greene County Library has the Springfield papers on microfilm.